Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Some stars could come your way today, D. B. Caulfield. A book or script you have been working toward might bring unexpected but marvelous results. Group activities, particularly those involving social or movie issues, could take up a lot of your time. Phrase of the day: Expect the unexpected!

Today you might feel the desire to break free from your daily routine, Holden Caulfield, particularly regarding school matters. This is a good day to start looking into it. You need to think that there are more possibilities out there than you expected. Phrase of the day: Live long and prosper!

Some unusual and interesting boy could come your way, bringing unexpected revelations about your career, Mr. Spencer. Try to catch him! He could have an important message for you. Phrase of the day: Open your mind!

An unexpected opportunity to take a journey by air could come your way one of those days, Allie Caulfield. This could be something you have not wanted. But any adventure that could happen in your life will be call “air”. Some information could come your way that send you into a new experience. Phrase of the day: Fly away!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Here is an interview to Holden. He is not my favorite character but none want to answer questions about the book. So he wants… Mmm enjoy it (?)!

I : Hi Holden, how are you?
H : Fine maybe… I don’t think in it so much, it’s a kind of boring thing for me, you know.
I : O-kay! So, what happen in your life that you decided to leave the school?
H : Ahhh, direct to the deal! I like that… First, I didn’t leave the school, the school left me in a way.
I : What do you mean with “left me”?
H : Nothing hard to understand. I fail some subject and the school thought that it was “better” for me change to another school in where my “abilities” would be more accepted.
I : Abilities?
H : Yeah, you know. Lie, pretend… These kinds of things that people do all their lives.
I : Do you mean all people including you and me lie about everything?
H : Aha, in a way. Sometimes I think it’s something uncontrollable…
I : Why?
H : Uff… I hate explain these things!
I : But if you think like that it’s because of something and you accepted the interview. So, you should answers the questions! (Hmm!)
H : I know okay! Here is the deal… I don’t like people’s behavior. I don’t like my behavior. But it’s something uncontrollable to say lies, pretend that you are happy with your life and try to “laugh to the life” because human being it’s like that.
I : I don’t get it very well… Can you explain more about that?
H : No, I can’t… Actually, I don’t want to do it… And you know what the interview finished!
I : Why? I just did a few questions. I need more!
H : It’s doesn’t matter for me… I running far away from you and your questions… Bye!
I : But! Aggggg I hate this guy!

And this was the interview to Holden: the little liar…

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

City v/s Countryside

          I like Santiago but if you compare the urban life with country life the differences are so many that is better do not do it! I prefer to present good things about both realities like the advantages to live near almost everything, if you live in the city, and the peaceful that you feel in the countryside when you stay there, to name but a few.

          I do not know what is better if live in the city or live in the “green lands”. I think the best thing can be live between both just like me, you can work or whatever in the city, but weekends you can travel to your country house in the middle of nothing and rest!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A little bit of me

My name is María but I hate it! So, I prefer everybody called me Victoria (My second name). I'm living in Los Lirios, Rancagua. I have a teenager brother and a lot of cousins, aunts and uncles. My two grandmothers are alive yet, but theirs husbands passed away a few years ago. My parents are the coolest humans in the world. Actually, my entire family are the coolest relatives of the universe.
I love read, watch movies, but what I really like is to listen to music, in fact I can't go anywhere without my MP3. Sometimes I like to play online games such as Lineage II but most of time I prefer spent hours talking with my friends.
Maybe my life is a little bit simple, I think, but I like it! The things that I need to live are: Love, happiness and a McDonalds next to my home. I'm a humble women! Jajaja!